Very “Nearfield” Listening

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    • #1254

        I’m glad to see that you get to listen to the Soundlabs while at the desk. I listen to music with my office system for many more hours than my main sytem. So a good nearfield system is essential IMO. I’m using Quad 2905s while the Soundlabs are in the main system. I have excessive toe-in, mostly due to the huge dual 32inch monitors and so it sounds good in a relaxed laying back position and an upright hard-working position.

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        • #1256

            Nice view!

            • #1257

                Thanks, here is one of my favorite pictures of the view

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                • #1260

                    Holy cow!!! Beautiful! San Juans?

                    Edit: I now see you’re in TN. TVA lake? Very nice!

                    • This reply was modified 2 years, 6 months ago by ACHiPo.
                    • #1262

                        It does look kind of similar to the San Juans, I had to look it up.

                        This is Center Hill Lake.

                        During a trip to Hawaii, the place I stayed was overlooking a marina and the ocean, with an amazing sunset view. I loved just sitting on the balcony. This is what inspired my desire/demand for an amazing view from my house.

                    • #1259
                      Massimo Stefanizzi


                • #1253

                    @Will my panels are 69″ between the insides and my ears at the apex of the triangle are about 40″ from the plane between the insides, so much flatter than an equilateral triangle. I’d experienced a strange sonic phenomenon at Mike B’s when I walked through the panel plane–very disorienting. This is not like that, perhaps because of the diffusion of my record shelves? Regardless it’s nice to have stereo when working at my computer. Kinda like the Martin Logan mini desk speakers only MAXI sized! 😉

                  • #1250

                      My normal listening position for a pair of A-3PX speakers are:
                      The pair of speaker’s center to center distance is 6′ and the listening position is 6′ in the front center of the speakers, the equilateral triangle with a small amount of toe-in. Perfect L-R imaging and sense of depth on recordings with that attribute ie. without panning potentiometers.
                      The room sound/colorization/reflections etc are minimalize to the ears.

                    • #1248

                        I’ve been playing around with different configurations in my dedicated home office/listening room. Several months ago I got rid of my desk and moved to a mobile sit/stand computer desk which I can roll anywhere in the room. I usually roll the desk to one side of the room behind/beside the primary listening position, and the desk chair to the other side. This makes for unimpeded listening and negligible audible reflections from the desk and chair.

                        A couple weeks ago I wheeled the desk and chair to between and in front of my Majestic skinny 745s so I could better listen while working on my computer. I was pretty impressed with the sound quality and imaging especially since I’m only about 3′ in front of the panel plane and 3′ from the inside edge of the panel.

                        Basically I have really big electrostat headphones. The pleasant surprise is that unlike headphones the image is in front of me, not in my head. Another pleasant surprise is that sound and imaging is still remarkably good from the primary listening position. I just roll the chair out of the way, but the Sressless footstool back in place, and sit and listen.

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