Toroid 2 and PX (including bass focus) panel upgrades for U1-790!

home Forums General Discussion Toroid 2 and PX (including bass focus) panel upgrades for U1-790!

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    • #1297

        One more chapter to my (above) SL 1 & 3 experience:
        Now that I have the beyond spectacular A-1 PX Bass Focus w/ T2 transformers back and functioning my plan was to sell the A-3 PX T2 system… but the A-3 system sounds so excellent I can’t bring myself to selling/losing them…and “suffering” from sellers remorse. Where can I squeeze them into operation? Anyone selling some Sallies?

        • This reply was modified 2 years, 4 months ago by WillB.
      • #1296

          Very good to hear you upgraded Sunmoon95 and could not agree with you more…The Sound Lab group/family are first rate in their speakers and their support for us users.

        • #1295

            Many Thanks to Ralph and Will for sharing some very useful insights!
            Both upgrades elevate performance to the next level!
            I am grateful that these upgrades can be retrofitted to older speakers,

            NO PLANNED OBSOLESCENCE HERE (like cars)

            WAY TO GO SOUNDLAB!

          • #1283

              1. About $2300 in 2013.
              2. About $7500 in 2016 for original PX.
              3. Backplates were sent to Sound Lab for upgrade so they kept old parts. Kept old cores for many years but eventually tossed them.
              4. Very satisfied with both purchases. Improved bass response, sensitivity and tonal neutrality

            • #1280

                Thank you for sharing your positive experience, Will!
                Very useful,
                Any thoughts on pricing?

              • #1277

                  I’ve had the following experience with two pair of Sound Lab ELS/backplates:

                  I believe sometime around 1997 I bought a used pair of A-1s (90 degree dispersion) that were manufactured in the early-mid 1990s. The backplates had already been upgraded to Toroid 1s. No crates.

                  I used them with Audio Research tube amplifiers until last year when the panels developed issues. I communicated with the excellent people at Sound Labs and the decision was to upgrade the panels to PX Bass Focus (BF).

                  Coincidently at the same time a pair of used A-3PXs (45 degree dispersion) with Toroid 2 backplates and crates were being sold nearby so I bought them and used the A-3 crates to ship my A-1 panels (out of the frame) back to Gunnison UT.

                  I found the A-3PX Toroid 2 system to be excellent sounding, although lacking the extreme low bass when compared to the larger A-1s. My plan was use the Toroid 1 backplates (from the A-1s) with the A-3PX and the Toroid 2 backplates with the ‘new” A-1PX BF system.

                  Shortly before the A-1PX BF were to be shipped back to me I compared the two pair of backplates on the A-3PX speakers. The following statement applies only to my old (over twenty-five years) Toroid 1 backplates because other Toroid 1s might sound different than mine.

                  Within seconds I realized (my ears told me) I could not live with the old backplates. I tried to listen again, the next day. Same result.

                  I called Sound Labs and worked out getting another set of the latest backplates. Thats my quick summary of my experiences.

                • #1276

                    Dear All,
                    As a long-term forum member and owner of multiple Soundlabs, I would love to hear your thoughts on the possible upgrades – pricing and worthiness.

                    what did you pay for
                    1. The TOROID 2 upgrade to the back plate pair (L+R)?
                    2. PX panel upgrade (BASS FOCUS OR OLDER NON-BASS FOCUS)?
                    3. What did you do with the OLD TOROID 1 Transformers and the OLD PANELS?
                    4. How HAPPY/SATISFIED are you with each upgrade?

                    Your feedback is much appreciated in making some critical expensive decisions!
                    Thank you

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