Refreshing U-790 covers – questions

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    • #2238

        Comment from Brett on the length:

        “As for the grille- going to 10 yards.
        Always need more because you have an extra foot or more to go over the top. Need extra to pull and grab to get it tight”

        (especially true I believe for non-stretch material)

        Hope that helps,

      • #2235

          Here’s a couple of photos to show what you should find underneath. These are panels out of the frame from my G5-4C ultimate (bought as Ultimate 545s) – a lot of staples.

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        • #2234

            Not such an easy procedure for sure for the non-stretch fabrics – direct words from Brett who is in the photo. But somehow he manages to do an excellent job every time… though he has told me that in some cases he has had to restart from the beginning when there may sometimes be an anomaly in the fabric. Takes patience and that certain skill that I envy people who have. I’ve sent a text to ask how many yards are required just to be sure.
            Not to worry while the covers are off, not spilling coffee is a good idea. Carefully vacuuming the panels before applying the fabric is normal and if you are interested to do a heat treatment to the mylar (using a heat gun) to return it to its original tension (not necessary if nothing is wrong – it’s just much easier to do when the fabric is off) Cheers, Chris

          • #2233
            John V

              I’ve redone the grille cloth on my U890’s. Aside from the panel being cumbersome to handle when removing it from the frame, the job is pretty easy. On the bottom of my panels there is a piece of 1/8” Kydex plastic that is attached with screws to the panel bottom and needs to be removed. Take note of how the 3 stator/membrane wires are routed through the grille cloth.
              Once the panel is removed, it’s just a matter of removing a myriad of staples from the bottom and sides of the panel to release the grille cloth. There is no sewing involved, only stapling.
              I first attached the new grille-cloth to the bottom of the panel at about the midpoint, the material then goes up the backside of the panel and stapled along the angled side of the panel frame, wrapped with over the top of the frame, down the front side and again stapled to the angled side, wrapped over the bottom front edge and stapled to the bottom.
              You’ll need to keep the material taut, but not too taut, as your stapling to avoid wrinkles.
              Depending on the vintage of your panel the top may also have a Kydex cover that will need to be removed.
              My earlier U790’s had a top cover while my newer U890’s don’t.
              Anyhow, good luck with your project, I hope the above description made sense. If others in the group can add to this, or describe the procedure better, please feel free to do so.


            • #2231


                I’ve been unable to locate a step-by-step video or similar on what is involved in recovering my (U-790) Sound Labs. Has anyone seen a reference to such or can you share personal experience? I’ve recovered many grills, including Magepans, but never Sound Labs.

                I realize this is not a complex task – if I had the space and time I’d lay the panels flat, disassemble and see what I see to place a materials order to start the process. Given their size and the disruption it will create in our living space, it’d be very helpful to have a roadmap and the materials in hand before starting the project.

                I’m leaning toward a Guilford/Duvaltex non stretch fabric. (The original black seems stretchy.) Basic questions I already have based simply on the attached photo from @chrissoundlab:

                1) I’m estimating I will need 9 lineal yards for the job. Does this sound correct?
                2) Is reattaching a combination or sewing and stapling? Are professional sewing skills recommended for the project?
                3) Any housekeeping chores I should attend to while the covers are off?

                All tips and suggestions welcome.

                Thank you,

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