Majestic 545: Positioning the Speakers

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    • #1368

        They are! Slightly over 8′ from from wall as determined by measurements in the bottom octaves. Separation determined empirically. I find that center suffers if positioned too far apart and find the rule of thirds works better for me.

      • #1364

          Hi Ralph! How do you position your U-1PX’s? My listeing room has similar dimensions like yours. Are you speakers along the long side of the room?

        • #1361

            Perhaps the “.7” rule is similar to Harry Pearson’s “Rule of Thirds” for initial placement. Speakers are placed at one third of room width and length.

            I found this provides the most linear measured response below 200 hz with my U-1PXes (now called U790s) in a 25’+ x 16′ room with a mild rise. I run bass control flat.

            • #1483

                No its not based upon Harry Pearson at all, at all, this setup was arrived at in 1959

              • #1363

                  How are you measuring the freq output of the SLabs are you using REW or something similar?

              • #1359

                  Hi Steve
                  attaching another drawing which i should have done initially.
                  Would love to know your opinion.
                  I’ve used this method to position SLA-3’s and KLH-Model Nines, 2 panels per side

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                  • #1484

                      How far off the back wall are your speakers and how did you decide on that distance? thanks

                  • #1356

                      My SoundLabs are currently being driven with a Threshold S500II amplifier, which was recently updated by Jon Soderberg. The preamp is a Krell KSL-2, recently updated by the Krell factory.

                      Your method of setting the sub levels with electrostatic speakers is interesting; I’m willing to try the procedure.

                      I’m not sure that I understand your drawing. Are you saying, for example:
                      • If width of room = 14’, distance between speakers = .7×14 = 9’10” ?
                      • If length of room = 20’, optimum listening area = .3 x 20 = 6’ ?
                      • The speaker toe-in = 30° ?

                      Steve Floor

                      • #1357

                          Hi Steve,
                          okay i get it you don’t understand. I’m clarifying the .7 placing.
                          If your ​facing​ the SLabs front ​grills, the ​lefts​ ​left edge and rights right edge are to be positioned at .7 of the rooms width. which you have correctly calculated.
                          The optimum listening space STARTS .3 of the rooms length from the imaginary line (.7 measurement ) drawn between the speakers and continues to the rear wall.(your 6 ft from .7 line is correct)
                          Yes the speaker is located on a 30° line coming off L+R walls. The speaker should be placed on this 30° line (maintaining .7 distance) so the back wave reflects off the side wall 1st, then reflects off the front wall reflecting into the listening area.
                          A microphone on a stage, in a room, will capture whats in front of it.
                          This space is replicated by the speakers placement.
                          The imaging is rock solid.
                          The sound stage is limited only to the skill of the recording engineer.
                          The speakers disappear.
                          Standing waves are minimized.


                          • This reply was modified 1 year, 8 months ago by rdiiorio. Reason: clarification
                      • #1328

                          This is how i set up subs with electrostatics.

                          play some music with heavy bass content and adjust output of sub till you can just hear the sub when switched in and out of circuit. Shut off equip, but dont touch volume control for next step. Then if you have inverted polarity inputs on crossover switch preamp output to that and again play the music with bass content, IF apparent bass level dropped put back, if bass increased your in phase with panels and leave as-is. Listening should be done at listening position. This is fun!

                        • #1326

                            was on the SLOG website and read of your placement efforts.
                            Since you seem to like where they are currently mark the positions with tape or some other media
                            Then try the SoundLabs placed per diagram.

                            What are you driving them with?


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                          • #1317

                              As stated in the attached description, the distance between the speakers is 9′.
                              I forgot to state that the distance from each speaker to the listening position is approximately 12′.
                              Thanks for your reply and questions!


                            • #1316

                                Thank you for sharing Doc. What is the distance between speakers? Waht is the distacen from the listening position to the speakers?

                              • #1315

                                  Great write up Steve. Thanks!

                                • #1312

                                    I’ve owned Sound Labs since 1983 (a pair of A2X, long discontinued). In the summer of 2022, I purchased a pair of Majestic 545’s; I received them in October of 2022. Last month, December 2022, I had a couple of my audiophile buddies come over to help me reposition the speakers. After about 3 hours of lifting and moving, we had made significant improvements to the width of the sweet spot, sound stage, imaging and low frequency response. Attached (.pdf) is a short description of where we started and what we ended up with.
                                    Steve Floor
                                    Salt Lake City, Utah

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