Intervallo di regolazione bias

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    • #1725

        Hi Ernesto, I haven’t solved the problem yet. to make sure that the cause of the popping noises is linked to the insulation of the panel and not to the electronics placed behind it, I want to reverse the latter in the two panels. I don’t think I can do it right away. However, I will let you know the outcome of the exchange. Best regards

      • #1722

          Piero, hai risolto il problema? se lo hai risolto, ti dispiace condividere qual era la soluzione? Non credo che abbia niente a che fare con i tuoi pannelli. Credo che la colpa sia dello stesso potenziometro del bias. Grazie, Ernesto

          Piero, have you solved the problem? if you solved it, do you mind sharing what the solution was? I don’t think it has anything to do with your panels. I think the bias potentiometer itself is to blame. Thank you, Ernesto

          • This reply was modified 1 year, 2 months ago by mark.
        • #1721
          Massimo Stefanizzi

            Everything is now clear, and I think I have figured out who serviced your panels in Germany.
            If you want, you can contact me at my email address.
            Regards, Massimo


          • #1720

              Thanks Massimo for your advice which I will definitely follow. Just for the sake of clarity, the decrease in bias to eliminate random crackling is not 2:3 = 0.6666 degrees but between 2 and 3 degrees. my fear is that the individual crackles could be caused by a loss of insulation. the panels were redone about 4 months ago in Germany by a company that previously produced electrostatic speakers but now dedicates itself to servicing planar speakers and really due to an insulation problem.

            • #1719

                Thanks Massimo for your advice which I will definitely follow. Just for the sake of clarity, the decrease in bias to eliminate random crackling is not 2:3 = 0.6666 degrees but between 2 and 3 degrees. my fear is that the individual crackles could be caused by a loss of insulation. the panels were redone about 4 months ago in Germany by a company that previously produced electrostatic speakers but now dedicates itself to servicing planar speakers and not really due to an insulation problem.

              • #1718
                Massimo Stefanizzi

                  Hi Piero!
                  If by turning the bias screw a little, as you wrote, two-thirds of a degree (!) everything falls back into place, this means that you were already very high with the bias setting. If your amplifier is powerful enough, I recommend turning the bias knob a couple of degrees before the crackling appears.

                • #1717

                    Good evening, I’m not new to the site but up to now I’ve only stopped to read your posts with interest. Today I’m asking a question for the first time
                    I own a pair of Soundlab ultimate 1 speakers and I would like to know the adjustment range of the positive voltage via the bias potentiometer
                    I ask this because it happens to me with a speaker that despite having adjusted the bias that after about half an hour of listening if I remove the amplifier signal in the speaker you hear decrepit singles in the lower part which disappear as soon as I reduce the bias by a very small 2/3 degrees
                    Thank you

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