Good conversation started by New G9-7C owner on What’s the Best

home Forums General Discussion Good conversation started by New G9-7C owner on What’s the Best

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    • #2221

        Thanks for the reply. Perhaps I would have just added the cell specs to the existing nomenclature where every segment indicates part of the configuration. 🙂

        Currently, SL considers the hybrids part of the “home theater” range.

      • #2219

          Hello RW, just logged in to see your question.
          I started to use the ‘G’ for indicating the models as SL’s Grand line up of ‘full range’ speakers.
          The idea was to use that just in case SL would continue their hybrid series and could use another letter (perhaps ‘H’ for hybrid)
          But I don’t expect them to continue because the full range are really the essence of Sound Lab.
          Note: I just thought G for Grand sounded/looked better than ‘F’ (full range)

          G990-7C-U (or with ultimate trim) would be the full model name for 9 foot, steel frame 90 degree.
          The paint color also could be added to the model (don’t have to be black)

          Please ask anything!

        • #2218

            Which reminds me of a question. I liked the fact that later versions than mine had a model designation that identified height, radiation angle and frame type.

            Does “G” connotate what was previously “A” for audiophile? What do you call a 90 degree model using the ultimate steel frame with 7 cells?

            Inquiring minds want to know. 🙂

          • #2216

              Enjoyed the thread. I enjoy VTL MB-450s but would really like the big ARC amps or VTL Siegfrieds.

              With one detail, however, he is mistaken:

              “The 7c indicates the extra width. Previously they typically came in the 5c width.”

              Nope. Original Majestic 945s from 2005 had seven cells as do the 790 cores in my U-1s even before I upgraded to the PX model.

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            • #2203

                A multiple Quad owner of over 35 years and with much audio experience shares his thoughts on the new Sound Labs just received. Also includes discussion between Class D, tubes, etc…. some might enjoy or wish to add.


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