Considerations for Used Sound Lab Purchase?

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    • #926

        I’m planning on hanging onto my Swarm subs (2x 12″ sealed Rhythmik plus 1 dual 10″ DIY 600W sealed sub) so I’m not terribly concerned with bass (plus I have soffit absorbers around about 30% of the room ceiling and floor periphery)

        Roger sent me a corrected table of panel sizes (there are some errors on the website and Audio Asylum). There is quite a bit less difference between the 745 and 645 footprint than I originally thought–only 4″ wider for the 745, although the U745 base is quite a bit deeper. So it really comes down to the visual impact vs. efficiency/bass.

        I have a question into Constantine Soo who wrote a (several, actually) swooning review on Sound Labs. Roger recommended larger panels to him, but he decided to go with 645s for similar reasons to me. He stepped up from 545 to 645. I’ve asked whether, after almost a year with his speakers, does he have any regrets going with speakers smaller than Roger recommended.

      • #925

          Good luck. The sound should be essentially identical between models, with the exception of bass extension, which is better with larger panels. Smaller rooms also have better bass extension. I had the Quad 2905 in my main living room (picture above) and when i moved them to the office directly below, same footprint though with 8′ celing and not open to other rooms, the bass was enhanced quite a bit.

          My panels were wrapped in plastic when i received them, it does make sense to protect again rain, but i didn’t really think about it.

        • #924

            Wow great space! Thanks.

            I heard back from Sound Lab. They are suggesting 645s rather than 745s which will be much less imposing. I’m hoping the sound won’t suffer too much!

            Roger also recommended Old Dominion for shipping, and making sure the panels are wrapped well in plastic before crating to make sure they stay dry.

          • #922

              I think my speakers should be closer together than they are and with less toe-in. I did replace my monitor a couple months ago and didn’t have the big monitor in the middle, but a 24″ next to me. I didn’t really notice much difference.

              My room pic is attached, it is about 16’x30′ room opening to kitchen then dining room. speakers are about 5′ from back wall, one is 3″ from side wall.

              Panels have a lot less room boundary issues than cone speakers. The biggest concern is having room behind the speaker.

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            • #917

                As you are testing setup positions, people tend to like the speakers a little closer together with less toe-in. When i moved my room around, i didn’t really want to hide the fireplace, that was never used. Though by hiding the fireplace, i greatly prefer the layout of the room and it blocks less of the view.

                For shipping company, I like Averitt Express, because they know that my road is too small and curvy for a 53′ trailer and has smaller options to deliver to me quickly. Other companies deliver, one required me to drive 2 miles to the end of my road to pickup my delivered item, i can’t remember what company that is now. Besides this, i never had issues with any LTL shipping companies.

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                • #919

                    Less toe in and closer together are both good. My fear is that I can’t get them far enough apart without having room boundary issues. My taped layout has 5’ between the panels and my seat about 6’ (so inside an equilateral triangle from the panel centers). I can move the panels out another ~18” and closer to my seat by ~12”, so not a lot of room to play with for U745s. Dropping down to 645s buy me another foot in width.

                    Where are your speakers positioned in your room—how much distance to the front wall and side walls? Does your TV cause any imaging issues from early reflections?

                    I’ll check out Averitt Express. I have an email into Roger as well.


                    • This reply was modified 3 years, 8 months ago by ACHiPo.
                    • This reply was modified 3 years, 8 months ago by ACHiPo.
                • #915

                    If you already know they sound fabulous, i don’t see a point to send to SoundLabs.
                    Shipping would be best in original crates.

                    as for room placement, the speakers are about 3.5 feet wide, and you want to be 4+ feet from back wall, so you are going to partially block your view and yes they will dominate the room, it is worth it. I have no issues walking around my speakers to access the book cases.
                    To minimize blocking the view and allow easier access to at least 1 bookcase, you could rotate the room, have the back of the couch facing the outside doors and speakers on the 14.5′ wall.

                    • #916

                        Thank you for the response. I taped out the base outline on my floor, and it seems tight but workable. I’m going to try to get some cardboard or plywood to make a 3D “model” and play with placement and the impact on usability. My tape marks have the panels about 26″ from the side walls and 3′ – 6′ from the back wall depending on toe-in. I’ve looked at rotating the set up, but I haven’t figured out how to make that work well given the asymmetry of the fireplace and French doors.

                        What do folks recommend for shipping companies?

                    • #912

                        Here is a plan view of the room and a picture of where the speakers will be placed. They will definitely dominate visually, and I’m a bit concerned about being able to access my records, although the records and books should make a decent back wall for the dipole reflections?

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                      • #911

                          I auditioned a pair of Sound Lab U 745s and am smitten even though they will totally dominate my 16’8” x 14’5” x 9’ home office. I’m thinking through all of my concerns questions and would appreciate some guidance.

                          The speakers were demos purchased 2 1/2 years ago and are out of warranty. One speaker had a back plane replaced and a panel replaced under warranty. They sound fabulous. They have the original crates.

                          What recommendations do folks have on the best shipping method? What specific care should be taken on packaging? Should I have them shipped to Sound Lab for inspection/refurb? What procedure should I follow to assemble, place, and start them up?

                          What else should I be considering before pulling the trigger?

                          I’m planning on upgrading from my AtmaSphere M60s to MA1s. Is it worth hanging onto my Zero autoformers with the MA1s?


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