Amplifiers for my Sound Lab M745s

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    • #2136

        The improved MA-1s lost to the ‘260s, but just yesterday I received and got running a pair of 200-Watts-into-8 Berning Quadrature Zs.. They sound VERY nice, but only extended listening will tell.

        More later.

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      • #2104

          Since receiving the Pass X260.8s weeks ago, the SLs and ‘260s are well broken in.. The system sounded excellent to me, but I have a couple-other amps–PS Audio’s hybrid M1200s and Atma-Sphere MA-1/3.1-Improveds*.. I’ve had the ‘1200s in the system for a week, and last nite a golden-eared friend and I listened to them with some of his favorite music.. We were rather pleased with the sounds, especially after reconnecting the ‘260s, which were simply more resolving and musically pleasing.

          Will be reconnecting the Atma-Spheres this aft to see how they sound.

          FWIW, I have for sale…

          …a pair of Ayre MR-X monoamps that sounded mighty good with the SLs.. Only $6K, too. 😀


          * I’ve improved these with newer, higher-quality main (output-stage) powersupply caps with 2uFs each of Teflon-film bypass caps, PS-bypass caps on the frontend (gain) tubes, and MIFLEX copperfoil/paper/oil coupling caps, and CARDAS rhodium bindingposts.

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