Demo-ing Soundlab Speakers

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    • #2251

        I’ve offered in the past for anyone interested to contact me. I also host a headfi meet at my place in TN where folks can listen (I have a meet coming up on the 22nd if anyone is interested).

        With this said, i did listen to a system before i bought, though i did buy a used speaker that I heard great reviews about (the Soundlabs Prostat 922), and was kind of a dream speaker.

      • #2250

          I had known about Soundlab for many but had never heard them. There are only 5 authorized dealers in the US (2 in CA, 1 inn NY, 1 in MD and 1 in VA). I eventually bought a set of Majestic 745’s never having heard the speakers. I wonder how much sooner I would have bought them if I had been able to hear them easily.
          I would like to get feedback from the SLOG community on the idea of opening up our homes to people interested in hearing the speakers. I would initially like to determine how much interest there is in doing this. If there is sufficent interest we could then determine the mechanics of implementing this and defining safeguards.

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