Request for Old Model parts support

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    • #2106
      John V

        Hi Chris,

        That’s correct I am the NY dealer.
        Thanks for the heads up, I’ll call SL about this issue and let Connie know.

      • #2101
        John V

          Hi Chris,

          Sorry for the multiple posts, please disregard the first two.
          I can’t delete/edit them.


          • #2102

              Thanks very much John.
              I have passed info to my customer.
              May I assume that you might be John V as I find from the old Sound Lab dealer list located in NY (without spelling out your name just in case that should be private)
              Roger has had his web fellow update recently and it seems that putting my cursor over your email does not activate a choice to send you email (all the other emails work) – you might want to check (there were several errors in the recent revision unfortunately)

          • #2099
            John V

              Hi Chris,

              I’m trying to read the value of the capacitor but it’s a bit blurry.
              I think the value is .01 Mfd @ 16KV.
              I’ve attached a schematic of the B1 I received from Roger a few years ago. It only shows bias voltage as being 15KV but does not give the actual schematic of the bias supply itself. Hope this helps.
              Link to a supplier:

              New York Sound Lab dealer

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            • #2098
              John V

                Hi Chris,

                I’m trying to read the value of the capacitor but it’s a bit blurry.
                I can’t really tell if it’s .01 or 6 Ufd and 16kv or 6KV. Can your customer supply a better picture give us the value directly?
                I found a 6Ufd @ 6Kv on AlieExpress but I’m not convinced that it’s correct

                New York Sound Lab dealer

              • #2097
                John V

                  Hi Chris,

                  I’m trying to read the value of the capacitor but it’s a bit blurry.
                  The best I can make out is .01 Ufd @ 6KV. Is that correct>

                  New York Sound Lab dealer

                • #2093

                    Dear All,
                    I have a SL owner in Japan who amazingly got hold of the vintage panels you see in the attached photo from the first owner (also in Japan) and has had them in mostly storage for several years (A1s and flat panel B1s). He wants to re-vitalize them and he electronically ‘savy’ and has asked me to source the following part which he needs and which he cannot source in Japan. I only have the photo from him. This is out of my league and Roger is too busy just now to support. He needs two. Can anybody point us in the right direction, or?

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