News and Offer from Sound Lab at Calif. Audio show

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    • #2153

        Well done Chris. I “borrowed” this from a post on Audio Shark.

        “Sound Lab on first floor: I have always loved Sound Lab speakers at shows and this was no exception. Also the demo had the happiest speaker and setup wrangler ever, he was enjoying himself instead of looking like he could direct porcupine quills at anybody questioning his precious. He was funny and having fun, I guess like audiophiles should be doing.

        I was nearly tilted over the edge when he played the vinyl of the Ormandy/PSO Beethoven Ninth chorale segment. It really sent me, but it usually does in just about any context. With the imaging, you could really envisage the chorale groups stacked to the rafters.

        One odd observation was the narrowness of the sweet spot. One had to be very close to center to get the whole panorama rather than right or left weighted. However, it looked like a near field setup too close to the towers rather than a more appropriate distance, and the towers were toed in quite a bit.

        I spent basically all of my time at these two and the Clarysis room.”

        • #2157

            G8-5C in new home
            Dr.Vinyl contact photo

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          • #2154

              Thanks Dizzie,
              It was a very busy weekend, even though it is such a small show, we don’t really have that awareness because as you know we are glued to our room from 10 to 6pm – and we were surprisingly busy even on Sunday. And not only that, one visitor was so impressed that he bought the G8-5Cs and I just delivered them this morning and set them up (photo attached)
              Please note the ‘wrangler’ is Jose (aka Dr. Vinyl) who brought an amazing system comprising of new Pear Audio Aras turntable, DS Audio grand master EX audio cartridge and energizer and JMF pre and amp…it just made the Sound Labs perform incredibly. Please visit him for incredible service and dedicated advice. Contact photo attached

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          • #2129

              And here are the larger G8-5C speakers ready to ship for the show in California.
              Maple and ‘Baltic’ Blue for grille.

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            • #2118

                Good morning, here is a sneek preview of a stunning combination of black oak Majestic G7-3C with ‘Claret Red’ which is ready for crating to go to the California audio show this month.
                Hope it stirs the imagination of how materials and finishes can really make a beautiful addition to one’s decor.

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              • #2089

                  Jose, Dr. Vinyl (Sound Lab dealer from Maryland) is bringing plenty of firepower to run the Sound Labs: here’s a list of the plan:

                  JMF HQS 6002 Dual Mono Stereo Amp. Retail $45000
                  JMF PRS 1.5 Preamplifier. Retail $39000
                  AGD Audion MKlll- retail $8000
                  AGD Andante preamp streamer , DAC and phonostage -retail $12500
                  Ideon Absolute Stream – retail $24,000
                  Ideon Epsilon DAC – retail $87,000
                  Ideon Absolute Clock- retail $9990
                  CEC TL5 CD tranport-retail $2750
                  Pear Audio Blue Aras turntable w/ Cornet 3 arm – retail $15,000
                  Tru glider tonearm- retail $6000
                  DS Audio Grand Master EX cartridge- retail $22,500
                  DS audio Master 3 Energizer – retail $17,975
                  Albedo Metamorphosis Signature Monocrystal cable -retail $14,000 2 meter pair
                  Albedo Metamorphosis Monocrystal RCA – retail $8500 1 meter pair
                  Albedo Metamorphosis MKll Monocrystal – retail $6000
                  JMS – PCD 102 Power Filter Retail $ 22000

                  • #2090

                      After thought and apology:
                      Sorry it was not my intention to include retail prices or give any impression of ‘sales’ here – I was too late to edit and I had just pasted in the information without checking carefully enough. I just wanted to give an idea of what is around driving and supporting the SL speakers!

                  • #2068

                      — UPDATE — ROOM UPGRADE !!!!!!

                      Happy to report Sound Lab has moved to first floor:
                      Lobby Gold Ballroom.

                      This is a large room (39′ x 21′) with 11′ ceilings so the G8-5Cs (and G7-3Cs) have breathing room.
                      On set up the day before I’d like to try a set up having both models along the length of the room (2 systems) so we may all have a chance for comparison. Width of the room is 21ft, so it’s similar to a residential layout of a room with a rear wall rather than just having an huge long concert hall with speakers at one end.
                      That’s my idea anyway, hope it works out and look forward to seeing you if you can join!
                      Todd will be in the room with his wonderful recordings (MA Recordings) and Jose (Dr. Vinyl) with his wonderful selection of music, vinyl and I believe JMF amplifier and also perhaps AGD… I’ll add details and confirm as I can.

                    • #2032

                        Chris: I am very interested in the G8-5C proportions are you able to post some pictures of these?

                        • #2091

                            Here’s a first look at the first built ‘in-progree’ G8-5C … just being tested today by Brett.

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                          • #2069

                              This won’t give you so much of an idea except to see interesting ‘in progress’ build of the G8-5C – the frames have just been delivered by their wood worker: photo attached.
                              Another photo of when I visited the wood shop last year just for interest.

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                            • #2037

                                Dodgealum, the speakers in production now for the show include the first models made of G8-5C, so I don’t have photos yet.
                                The best I can do is to attach photos of
                                1) G9-5C which I just delivered in Japan 2 months ago … this customer requested only grille fabric (black) on the reverse, which is why you see the ‘naked’ front. The G8 is just 12″ taller, no other difference.
                                In the 2nd photo I am in front of the speaker and I am 5’9″.

                                2) G7-5C which I had at the Dallas show. And this model is 12″ shorter than the G8. The grille for this is wedgewood and wood is walnut.

                                The actual heights and widths are on my website. There is a short video sample of the G7-5C if you go to the dealer’s menu and click on the ‘sound sample’ link.

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                            • #2020

                                For the G8-5C model you are demoing in July, what is the wood finish and the fabric styling, going off the choices offered on the build page?

                                • #2042

                                    Good morning, the Baltic color is actually quite difficult to photograph, and this is the best I could do. It is a complex but beautiful color and I believe one would describe this as having a ‘tweed’ texture.

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                                  • #2024

                                      I will bring wood samples and material samples to the show so that you can actually see them and get a very good idea.
                                      These are some photos to give you an idea.
                                      There are so very many beautiful options available … some of the materials have been discontinued but most are still available. Of course there is also the standard black ‘spandex’ type of material.

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                                    • #2022

                                        The G8-5C I am trying a combination I have never tried before actually. I believe it will be quite stunning, although it may not be for everyone.
                                        Wood is maple and the fabric is Baltic. I can take a photo of the actual material in the morning (I just woke up briefly and saw the messages…and I live in Japan)
                                        I actually have one more ordered which has black painted oak with the same grille which may or may not ship to Japan.

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                                    • #2003
                                      John V


                                        The TakeT site, whose link Chris posted, has a list and links to their global resellers. The stateside distributor is
                                        Current price of the TAKET LIVE is $1255/pair.

                                      • #2001

                                          Thank you Chris, TakeT has some interesting toys. Do you have access to their products? What are the prices?

                                          • #2030

                                              Hello Ernest…I have access and for sure the exchange rate is very very much in your favor for buying from Japan (like about 30~40% better than just a couple of years ago because the ¥ is virtually dying)
                                              Let me know if I can help you in some way. Just back to sleep for now (!)

                                          • #1996

                                              Oh I see Chris, the reason that I asked is because I want to experiment with an AMT Super Tweeter with my 745s. Do you know what kind of super tweeters he had? Did you ever listen to them?

                                              • #1999

                                                  He used a Fidelix AH-120K (made in Japan)
                                                  which is not made anymore.

                                                  The speaker itself is made by TakeT called BatPro (!)

                                                  The new replacement I found and just for interest you might enjoy their English tranlation website (its Japanese)

                                                  Its called TAKET-LIVE and operates 20khz-100khz


                                                • #1997

                                                    I’ve asked him to let me know – wuill report later.
                                                    I didn’t actually ever listen to them myself.
                                                    I believe they operate over 15khz and I can’t hear anything that high anymore (if I ever could?) I am not so sure!

                                                • #1988

                                                    Hi Chris! The picture of the Quads that your customer had in Japan had super tweeters mounted on top?

                                                    • #1989

                                                        I don’t believe he has them connected anymore 🤔😅

                                                    • #1964

                                                        Quadlover… just in case you are new and don’t know the link to a website which has quite a bit of information and links on Sound Lab … please take a look:

                                                      • #1945

                                                          You are on the right track. I have owned various Quad models myself. As good as Quads sound, Soundlabs are even better.

                                                          • #1968

                                                              Hi All, to explain the latest Soundlab configurations-think of the speakers as a spreadsheet. You have columns and rows. My Majestic 745 ha 7 columns and 13 rows. An 8 foot soundlab will have 15 rows and a 9 ft speaker will have 17 rows. As close as I can tell there are now 7 columns, 6 columns, 5 columns, and 3 columns. Chris, can you confirm?

                                                              • #1972

                                                                  Hi Sliderule,

                                                                  – The maximum width Roger can make is 7 cells. (7 columns)
                                                                  – 6 is possible but I did not include on my website … the matrix gets too large so there had to be some trimming.
                                                                  (incidentally the original 645 had only 6 cells – but the ‘6’ is referring to height and nothing to do with cells)

                                                                  -5, 4 and 3 cell widths are available.
                                                                  The website shows effectively what is available.

                                                                  I hope I’m not making things difficult to understand!

                                                            • #1942

                                                                I’m a long time owner of several pairs of Quads (57s, 2805 and 2905s currently). I’m exploring getting a pair of Soundlabs. I think I have the room to fit the larger models, but of course the installation gets to be challenging. Any recommendations? I’m in the Bay Area. Thanks.

                                                                • #1961

                                                                    I just made a delivery of G9-5C in Japan – he was replacing his Quads.
                                                                    Last year I took a demo pair of G7-4C – you can see those and his quads in one photo.
                                                                    G7-4C have 1,328 sq in radiating area. He loved them and of course much more than his quads (so much more natural)
                                                                    He decided on even larger model because his ceiling is very tall and the room opens up into the kitchen. So he decided on G9-5C which have 2,240 sq in radiating area.
                                                                    Please ask if you have any questions!

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                                                                    • #1965

                                                                        I don’t know how to parse these model numbers against those on the Soundlab page. Do the G9-5C map over to 845 Majestics or something else?

                                                                        • #1967

                                                                            If you don’t mind my stepping in…

                                                                            Sound Lab speakers are modular now in four different ways:

                                                                            1. Frame: wood (M), furniture grade (A) and tubular steel (U)
                                                                            2. Radiation angle: 45 or 90 degrees
                                                                            3. Height of panel
                                                                            4. Number of “cells” across. Standard configuration is seven across. There are now three, four and five cell versions.

                                                                            In answer to your question, a G9-5C is a foot taller and somewhat narrower than what is effectively a G8-7C. The new Japanese website has an illustration that might help:

                                                                            Click this link and scroll down to specification:


                                                                            • #1969

                                                                                Thanks for helping RW.
                                                                                (Just for reference and transparency I’m the guy in Japan)

                                                                                Couple notes
                                                                                – the Frame style (A) was not really available for a few years and was still not when I made the website a few months ago, but it is again available but note it is only available for the 7 cell width models.

                                                                                – radiation angle – only for 7 cell width models

                                                                                Cheers, Chris

                                                                              • #2014

                                                                                  I’m an old timer having purchased my U-790s (originally U-1PX) in 2005. The line has certainly grown since then! That makes sense that the 90 degree model requires a wider cell structure. Years ago, I visited the Utah facility and watched Brett do some assembly. I had previous met Roger and Connie at a Chicago Audio Society meeting when the M945 was introduced.

                                                                                  My backplates are currently in Gunnison for some minor repair and the bypassing of HF control with Ohmite resistors. I also asked about bypassing the mid control since I never change from flat.

                                                                                  What got me started was hearing Dayton-Wright XG-8s at former TAS reviewer JWC’s in 1976 and instantly became an enthusiast. Also use Acoustat 1+1s in the home theatre system.


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                                                                                • #2036

                                                                                    Hi RW, beautiful room and speakers. As you probably know Brett is still the one making all the panels and production for the speakers. Great guy and dedicated to carry the legacy forward. He will be in Oakland with me this July for the first two days of the show I believe.

                                                                                • #1966

                                                                                    I have been working with SL to make a move to give more information on the models that also refer to width in the model name (of which there are many but most people just don’t know about)
                                                                                    In my way of describing the models
                                                                                    Using G9-5C as an example:
                                                                                    G = Full Range
                                                                                    9 = almost 9′ (same as 945 model)
                                                                                    5C = number of cells across (945, 845, 745 on old website have 7 cells … but it gets confusing because 645 has 6 cells and 545 has 4 cells)
                                                                                    Note; all cell widths are the same!

                                                                                    So for reference the ‘standard’ 845 Majestic I would refer to as:
                                                                                    G8-7C with Majestic trim
                                                                                    You could also choose a more narrow model:

                                                                                    Note: 45 refers only to the dispersion angle (45 & 90 degree are available on widest models)
                                                                                    Majestic actually refers only to the wood frame style

                                                                                    Please ask any questions
                                                                                    (another note – ALL electronics are exactly same on all models)
                                                                                    If you wish, contact me directly from the website, happy to discuss.

                                                                              • #1950

                                                                                  I am located in San Francisco and have the 545’s in a small room which in my humble opinion outperform the Quads. You are welcome to visit and decide for yourself. Additionally, I have a 2nd residence in the wine country with the larger Sound Labs if you wish to hear them too.

                                                                                  • This reply was modified 4 months ago by TWB.
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                                                                                  • #1970

                                                                                      Here’s my current setup with my Quad 2905s in a long dining room. The ceiling is about 10’ high. The width is 12.5’ and I sit about 15’ away.

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                                                                                      • #1974

                                                                                          Just wonder where is the 10′ height – under the beams or actual ceiling? I have shown with arrows in the attached photo… wouldn’t want the speaker hitting or ‘fighting’ with the beams.

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                                                                                          • #1976

                                                                                              Good point. The distance to the beams is about 10” less.

                                                                                            • #1978

                                                                                                Let me know I can help more, I will be at the California Audio show and happy to discuss if you can come.
                                                                                                Or you can email me directly and discuss more before the show:
                                                                                                By looking at your room and furniture I think you would definitely enjoy a taller speaker (G7, 8 or even possilby 9)

                                                                                                (I have been a dealer for Sound Lab since 2012)

                                                                                              • #1980

                                                                                                  Thanks. Another difference might be efficiency. Quads are bit very efficient, perhaps mid to low 80s dB. Are Soundlabs more efficient?

                                                                                                • #1981

                                                                                                    SoundLabs larger models are quite efficient – 90db for the larger taller models

                                                                                                    the smallest speaker is rated around 86db.
                                                                                                    (G5-4C, or the G7-3C)

                                                                                                    NOTE: because the Sound Lab are much taller than QUAD, you will get much more energy coming over your table and to your sitting position in the room – a big improvement I think in my opinion.

                                                                                                  • #1990

                                                                                                      I have multiple systems with Quads. I use my 2805s in a larger great room about 25’x30’x10’. It opens into the kitchen area. The 2805s are spaced fairly widely apart. Are SLs better in a long narrow room or a more squarish larger room?

                                                                                                    • #1992

                                                                                                        Also note: the tall SL also makes full use of the ‘line-source’ benefit … throwing sound naturally that will be heard in the kitchen easily. Point source sound loud close to the speaker (sorry if I am telling u something u already know)… and volume decreases quickly as you move away, and very much so with anything blocking the speaker source, but with SL even if you walk right up to the speaker, it is not loud and if you walk away, the volume is basically the same from almost anywhere in your room … even when something might be blocking the lower parts of the speaker because it is so tall… do I make sense?

                                                                                                      • #1991

                                                                                                          Well, Sound Lab is very good anywhere basically. The 45 degree dispersion is well controlled so you have very few wall reflections even in a narrow room (and toe-in a bit makes sure of that too)
                                                                                                          If you had to choose which room to put Sound Lab, you may enjoy the listening and sound from a larger room with the SL having more space and you could think of getting the 7 cell (widest) versions which have the benefit of slightly better lower frequency response. (wider panels reduces bass cancellation but they all sound excellent) If you were to think of the narrow room, then a more narrow SL would fit better (visually) and because they are tall will certainly sound better than the shorter Quad (in my opinion) – you may start with one (for whichever room) and I suspect you might fall in love with them and want for both rooms 🙂

                                                                                                        • #1993

                                                                                                            The interaction between a loudspeaker and a room can be counterintuitive. I tried it the other way. My larger 2905s in the larger room. The 2805s in the long narrow room. That didn’t sound as good. The larger 2905s really cone to life in the long narrow dining room. Go figure!

                                                                                                          • #1995

                                                                                                              Some of my youtube videos may give you some idea…the sound samples sound better with headphones, but keep in mind it is just an idea!


                                                                                                            • #2008

                                                                                                                I really like the beige/brown and wood tone of the G9-7Cs — do the subs use an external crossover?

                                                                                                              • #2021

                                                                                                                  They are beautiful – the wood is walnut.
                                                                                                                  The subs have a slightly customized back plate which has two sets of posts, 1 set completely by-passes the x-over and other controls (level and damping) and 1 set which uses the controls. I thought for sure I would want to bypass the controls but actually I have found it works wonderfully well using just my Berning amps to drive both the full range and bass panel wired in parallel (which is how Roger has them intended) Note the bass panels are additional energy for the room…the full range panels function normally with the full signal.

                                                                                                                • #1994

                                                                                                                    Hmm question: did both quads sound good (or similar) in the larger room?

                                                                                                                    The room is of course so important.

                                                                                                                    I suspect your long narrow room may ‘load’ music energy better and especially so with the larger quads so they could ‘see’ above the table height etc.
                                                                                                                    But in the big room- especially opening to a kitchen, larger tall SL with 45 degree dispersion would definitely help bring that room to life. I am sure.

                                                                                                                  • #2017

                                                                                                                      Here is a picture of the 2905s in my larger room, where they are placed much wider apart. The ceilings don’t have the beams running across it.

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                                                                                                                    • #2044

                                                                                                                        Thanks for the photo, I notice that the right speaker does not have any wall behind it the same as the left speaker does, this would have rather significant effect on the overall balance and imaging … the back wall is really quite important. Is there any option for that?
                                                                                                                        And please see the red arrow pointing at the ‘beam’ this might be a problem for height if you plan to position your speakers there.
                                                                                                                        What do you think?

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                                                                                                                      • #2050

                                                                                                                          Yes,that’s a good point. I’m thinking the long narrow dining room might be the ideal room for a pair of the larger Soundlabs that will go where tge 2905s are set up now. Since it’s out of the way, it’s less jarring visually. What’s the turnaround time on a custom order ?

                                                                                                                        • #2052

                                                                                                                            If you would like to discuss further on an order I might suggest to email me directly.
                                                                                                                            Do you have the current price list?
                                                                                                                            I can do my best to have Roger keep the current price for your order until the July show (easier to do if you are thinking of a larger model, because the price increases will be more significant for the smaller and more narrow models because actually the fixed cost for producing these are quite high and not much different from the larger ones)

                                                                                                                            And Brett just texted me back – current lead time is about 7 weeks – and that is about as good as it gets!

                                                                                                                          • #2051

                                                                                                                              I would agree with you. The time for production does vary depending on orders. I think it is usually around 2-3 months … give me a moment and I will ask how it is just now.

                                                                                                                            • #2016

                                                                                                                                The 2805s have a different balance than the 2905s. They have a warmer tone, which I suspect comes from the fact that they are much smaller in terms of size, and the acoustic center of the speaker is below a typical seated listener. The larger room has a lot of absorbing material (two large overstuffed sofas, carpeting etc.), which helps. The 2905s can sound a bit overbearing with the “wrong” electronics, and they sound much better with tubes. I use two very large Audio Research Ref 210 tube amps with the 2905, which use 8 KT 120 tubes per channel. That really makes the larger 2905s sing.

                                                                                                                              • #1982

                                                                                                                                  How reliable are Soundlabs? I ask because over the past few decades I’ve owned Quads, I have had to get the panels repaired. My 2905s had to be repaired a few years back as the glue used to hold the panels from the Chinese factory were defective. Do SLs need to go back to the factory for panel repair?

                                                                                                                                • #1984

                                                                                                                                    Some photos in construction I took last year when I visited.
                                                                                                                                    One of them shows Brett using a heat gun – which brings Mylar to critical temperature – quite useful because after many years giving it a ‘heat treatment’ is easy and brings mylar back to perfect tension.
                                                                                                                                    (which is unlikely to change, but after many moves over many years may warrant the servicing)

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                                                                                                                                  • #1983

                                                                                                                                      It’s a good question. Since 2006-ish Sound Lab introduced new generation of extremely rugged, durable panels and with the newest super glues – basically the panels are extremely reliable. Many Quad owners must have repair work after few years because they are rather susceptible to breakdown (I mean no disrespect).
                                                                                                                                      New Sound Lab panels especially since after 2012 really do not require repair – the insulation is excellent. Taken care of they will last for years and years – one of my pairs are 13 yrs and no problem. Should there be an accident and need repair, it is best to send back to Utah. They are all custom made, made by experienced family staff and hand crafted, not mass produced at all. Extremely easy to talk to and to receive support from Sound Lab.

                                                                                                                                  • #1973

                                                                                                                                      The reason I introduced the narrow models into my website is because over the years I have had Roger (Sound Lab) progressively design and make more narrow models for my market in Japan – they are ‘designed’ and so ready to be produced, but nobody knew about them (narrow rooms in Japan)
                                                                                                                                      It comes down to personal opinion of course, but I would suggest your room is on the narrow side and would definitely benefit from a more narrow version than the standard 7 cell width. (especially visually to not block your entire back window) If your ceiling are 10′ then certainly G9 or G8 model will fit. I personally recommend the Majestic style because the Audiophile would trim is an extra 2.5″ tall and you may regret that under your 10′ ceiling.

                                                                                                                                      • #1977

                                                                                                                                          I know Quads differ from Soundlabs in several ways, one of which is how they handle dispersion. In my 2905, dispersion is dealt with electronically through the delay line circuitry, following the same design pioneered by Peter Walker with the ESL 63. In Soundlab, the curvature of the speaker decides the dispersion, right?

                                                                                                                                        • #1979

                                                                                                                                            Yes, that is basically correct. But it is important to note that the curvature appearance of SL does not mean the cells are curved… the cells are flat and are angled at the joining points of each cell in order to achieve the ‘curved’ dispersion. There are important reasons for all this – I can attach information if you wish. But the bottom line is the SL (from what I have heard and other Quad people have told me) is that SL sound very natural and a lot of that has to do with the way in which Roger has designed them to disperse.

                                                                                                                                  • #1934

                                                                                                                                      This might be a new way of announcing, I hope no one minds.

                                                                                                                                      I will have 2 Sound Lab models at the California audio show July 19th-21st showing in the Parlor Suite 1107 (we should have plenty of room).
                                                                                                                                      Models are (and note both are brand new):
                                                                                                                                      G7-3C (narrow model) & G8-5C (a slightly narrow version of what you might know as the standard 845 which has 7 cells)
                                                                                                                                      Both are Majestic style trim.

                                                                                                                                      OFFER IS: Should there be anyone just considering a purchase, I will reimburse anyone up to $2,000 for travel/lodging expenses if you would like to come and see/hear and purchase.

                                                                                                                                      For the models showing, I will offer current pricing and reimburse against that. (current pricing is in effect until the start of show)

                                                                                                                                      Price Increase:
                                                                                                                                      Please note NEW prices will be announced at the show.If anyone wishes to make a new order, new pricing will apply and I will reimburse against the new price.

                                                                                                                                      Rather than overloading this topic with details, I will wait to hear your questions if there any.

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