Sound Lab Sound Demos

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    • #1929

        Hey Chris:

        Thanks for posting these the visuals are helpful for those seeking to size their panels to the room. What is the ceiling height in your theater room and how much clearance do you have between your G9-7C’s and the ceiling?

        • #1932

            In contrast you can see the Majestic trim G9’s which are 103″ and just fit under my ceiling which is 106″.
            I think these look just fine coming up to ceiling, but I am not sure visually that the thick frame would look good. And there is no difference sonically of course.

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          • #1930

              The ceiling height in my room is just under 10ft (about 9’6″) or 114″.

              The audiophile trim speakers are 2.5″ taller than regular majestic trim (and an important point to note for sure!) This is because of the added frame wood. So the speaker are 105.5″.
              Therefore the clearance is about 8~9″ from the top of speakers to the ceiling.
              Photo attached I took with a bit more light – I think you can get the idea. I think visually with this kind of frame it looks better to have some ‘breathing space’ between the thicker frame and the ceiling rather than to have the speakers right up against ceiling – in that case I would rather have the Majestic trim (for example if my ceiling height were exactly 9′ it would look pretty jammed up). But that is just my opinion.

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          • #1918

              Just in case I should have added my website address:

              menu for videos under ‘rooms & audio samples’

              • This reply was modified 4 months, 2 weeks ago by ChrisSoundLab.
              • #1920

                  seems I cannot add a website

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              • #1917

                  This is the 2nd audio sample

                • #1916

                    Two more from my Theater Room setting.
                    These are G9-7C in cherry and audiophile trim which I got in 2012 (Audiophile 945’s). These do not have bass foucs, but there is no lack at all for bass (in my opinion) (bass focus was introduced just after)

                    • #1922

                        whats the music playing?

                        • #1923

                            This is Ella Fitzgerald and Louis Armstrong:
                            They can’t take that away from me

                            The other bass and sax is Hey Joe version by Markus Philippe

                            (both streamed from Tidal)

                      • #1914

                          Thanks Earl, I’ll keep adding videos here just for the reference in case someone lands into the owner’s group, but most videos are now up on my website under the newly added menu ‘rooms and audio samples’.
                          Questions welcome, but would I be out of my place to suggest that rants might be placed into a new topic and addressed there? 🤔
                          All the best, Chris

                        • #1913

                            Thank you Chris for posting and look forward to more beautiful sounding videos

                          • #1912

                              “…just read about them on audiosciencereview and they were showing pretty great test results.”

                              If “audiosciencereview” pronounces “pretty great results”, why the demo videos? In fact, why audition or demo at all? Just cull audiosciencerivew’s test results, put them in a spreadsheet, sort and prioritize on whatever are considered the best numbers and select your audio equipment accordingly! Forums like the SoundLabOwnersGroup were developed to share information, tips, tricks and listening experiences are worthless.😏 It’s the numbers, baby!! It’s the science of audiosciencereview.😉

                              Being one to never trust my ears and always select audio equipment with my eyes rather than my ears; that’s also how I objectify my audio sessions; by continuously analyzing and admiring and savoring my spreadsheet’s test result numbers. Listening to music and being emotionally involved, is for objective science deniers. Thus, I’m a huge proponent of the numbers emanating from some individual’s untested test equipment and if they show “pretty great results”, there you go, I’m hooked, it’s a done deal!!😏

                              Trust the science, not you ear/brain connection, not how you feel when listening to a symphony, or a song from your past!! The hundreds of human heuristic biases confound objectivity. They obscure the numbers and motivate us to draw erroneous conclusions.😏 How can cables make a difference? How can the last 6-feet coming out of an A/C outlet make a difference. Bits are bits and if they’re as perfect in and they were out, it all should be the same…blah…blah…blah!!

                              Pardon my snarkiness, but I have an irritable, scornful, snarky visceral reaction to the test results are KING philosophy and the self-satisfied snarky BS emanating from PSEUDOsciencereveiw.

                              At the outset of audio forums, the audio gang on forums were a pretty convivial, cordial informative bunch of folks, like the folks still are here!

                              However, years later, a few folks apparently read a book and garnered some pseudo psychological knowledge and began pointing out the fallacies of everything we audiophiles fancied and discussed. Their motivation for being loud and in your face, was I suppose a method of protecting audiophiles from themselves, or more likely, the feeling these “protectors” derived from being right – i.e., it’s here, see, it’s right here on paper, you can’t be right because you can’t prove that you’re right, while I can prove I am…ad infinitum…sigh!!

                              Measurements have been a part of the audio hobby since its inception as an electronic tinkerer’s playtime. There’s nothing new there. Measurements are good to know. But I’ve never, ever, made a component selection or purchase based on measurements, nor on an electrical engineer’s recommendations. I don’t listen to measurements; I’m not moved by measurements.

                              I’m moved by what enters my ears and proceeds to get interpreted by my brain (for what it is). It’s my ears, my brain, my room and my experiences. I like what I like and more importantly, after decades of experimentation and auditioning, I know what I’m moved by and it ain’t audiosciencereview’s numbers nor the self-satisfied, self-congratulatory snarkiness expressed on PSEUDOsciencereview’s forum!! Rant over and out….👏🎈

                              • #1924

                                  relax you will live longer

                              • #1911

                                  Just in case anyone is around Maryland and wants to hear a demonstration, Dr. Vinyl (Jose) has the same G7-5C’s that were shown in Dallas. (appointment only)
                                  He has a great presentation set up and this video is just taken with an iPhone but still shows how engaging and clear the Sound Labs can be.

                                • #1910

                                    Here’s another from the same room, different music, just a little more information on the room in the description section (on youtube).
                                    The amps and DAC are inexpensive from (!) Topping and a bit of an experiment because I just read about them on audiosciencereview and they were showing pretty great test results.

                                  • #1909

                                      Some have shown interest in a few of the very casual recordings I’ve made from my different listening rooms and recent delivery (all are in Japan I’m afraid)
                                      Just thought to make a new topic and put them here, questions / comments welcome. No matter what I do, the ‘real deal’ sounds so much better, but this at least gives some ideas and perhaps may lead to any question that might be useful.

                                      Here’s one for example:

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